Review procedure and publication of articles
Requirements for Product Processing
Article Formatting:
Font: 12 points (abstract, auxiliary words, literature – 10 points, table text - 9-11 points), Times New Roman. Justified alignment. The interval is single-spaced. The paragraph indent is 1 cm. Margins: top and bottom are 2 cm, left and right are 2 cm.
Figures, tables, graphs and diagrams are presented directly in the text with the number and title (for example, Figure 1 – Title). The number of figures, tables, graphs and diagrams should not exceed 20% of the total volume of the article.
The volume of the article (excluding the title, information about the authors, abstract, auxiliary words, list of references) should not be less than 2500 and not more than 7000 words.
Structure of the Article:
The SCSTI number is written to the left of the first line, the font should be bold (SCSTI taken from the link ).
The title of the article (title) should reveal the meaning and content of the article and attract the reader's attention. The topic should be short and informative. The optimal length of the title is 7-12 words. The title does not use jargon or abbreviations. The article's topic is presented in Kazakh, Russian, and English. The title of the article is given in bold small font in the middle.
The name and surname, place of work of the author(s) of the article (note: write the full name of the university) are indicated in lowercase letters in the middle of the line. After that, the name of the city and state is indicated. written in order. Everything is in Russian and English, the e-mail address is indicated below.
The ORCID ID link will appear in the middle of the bottom line. (Registration instructions );
The abstract should be 150-300 words in Kazakh, Russian, and English, font size 10 pt. The structure of the abstract should include the following mandatory points:
The purpose, main directions, and ideas of scientific research.
Brief description of the scientific and practical significance of the work.
Brief description of the research methodology.
Main results and analysis, conclusions of the research work.
The value of the research conducted (the contribution of this work to the relevant field of knowledge).
Practical value of the conclusion of the work.
Keywords/phrases are given in Kazakh, Russian, and English (at least 5 words/phrases).
The text of the article consists of an introduction, materials and methods, literature review, results, discussion, and conclusion.
Introduction consists of the following main elements: justification for the choice of topic; relevance of the problem, purpose of the study. When describing the experience underlying the study, the problem situation is reported in justification of the choice of topic (absence of other studies, emergence of a new object, etc.). The relevance of the topic is determined by the general interest in the study of this object, confirmed by the theoretical or practical significance of the topic; includes the definition of the object, subject, goals, objectives, methods, approaches, hypothesis, and significance of the work.
Materials and Methodology section should include a description of the materials and the work process, as well as a detailed description of the methodology used. When describing the research material, its qualitative and quantitative aspects must be indicated. The description of the material is one of the factors determining the correctness of the conclusions and research methods. In this section:
- the degree of study of the problem is described;
- it is necessary to provide complete information without repeating previously published points;
- when selecting equipment (software) and using materials and methods, use a description of the materials, necessarily introducing innovations.
The scientific methodology should include:
- research problem;
- hypothesis (thesis);
- research stages;
- research methods;
- research results.
Literature Review section should contain fundamental and new works of domestic and foreign authors, their analysis from the point of view of the scientific contribution of the authors, as well as research that the author supplements in his work.
Results and Discussion is one of the important and main sections of the article, where it is necessary to analyze and discuss the results of the study obtained by the author, to make scientific conclusions. It is necessary to analyze the results of the study and discuss the corresponding results in comparison with previous works, analyses and conclusions.
Conclusion summarizes and generalizes the results of the work; it consists of confirming the conclusion, taking into account the truth of the conclusion put forward by the author and the results obtained. The conclusion should not be abstract. It should be used to summarize the results of research in a specific scientific field, to describe recommendations or possibilities for further work.
The conclusion should include the following points: what are the objectives and methodology of the research; the results and conclusions of the research; the future implementation of research and development, and the possibilities of application.
If the bibliography contains works presented in Cyrillic, the bibliography must be presented in two versions: the first - in the original, the second - in the transliterated alphabet.
Reference information GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. Designed in accordance with general requirements and assembly rules” (requirements for publications included in the QAES list).
The list of transliterated literature should be arranged as follows: author(s) → (year in brackets) → title of the article in transliterated version (transliteration or English title – if available), original data printed in English (link to transliteration – ).
For example: Sairambaev T.S. (1991) Syntax of Phrases and Simple Sentences. – Almaty: Ravan, 1991. – 174 p. / Sairambaev T.S. (1991) Syntax of Phrases and Simple Sentences. – Almaty: Ravan, 1991. – 174 p. (in Kazakh).
The authors' surnames are listed in alphabetical order (no commas after the surname); The year of publication is listed in parentheses after the tag. All dashes and slashes (i.e. separators) must be removed. If the source is in Kazakh, then at the end of the reference (in Kazakh), if the source is in Russian (in Russian), etc. b. given.
The reference to the text indicates the first author, year of publication, and number of pages. For example, (Iskakov, 1991: 25). If the bibliography contains several works by the same author, published in the same year, the year of publication is indicated by the letters “a”, “b”, etc. For example, (Kaidarov, 2010a: 24), (Kaidarov, 2011b, 28).
At the bottom of the manuscript, the place of work, academic degree, title (if any) position, and contact information are indicated once again.